Nach den heftigen Schneefällen der letzten Wochen stellte sich die Klasse 7c einer “coolen Challenge”. Es galt, eine lustige Schneefigur zu bauen und darüber etwas Kreatives in englischer Sprache zu schreiben. Dabei erwies sich beides als Herausforderung, denn Englisch ist schließlich nicht unsere Muttersprache und zudem war das Baumaterial ein sehr pulvriger Schnee, sodass man Geduld und Spucke bzw. etwas Wasser sowie ein gewisses Maß an Geschicklichkeit brauchte, um eine einfallsreiche snow creature herzustellen.
Klasse 7c & G. Merz
Son: Mum, can you pass me the sunscreen, please?
Mum: It’s winter, Jeff.
Son: You are right but I will need it for springtime.
Mum: No, no. At this time you need this…
Son: A disinfectant?
Mum: Yes, it is very important. You must use it. You know, covid-19!
This is Oscar, the little snowman. He is the last one which survived today’s sunny Sunday.
My snowman is inside his igloo. He wants to keep away from the icy wind and the cold outside. At the moment he is drinking a cup of hot tea inside his igloo. Let’s hope that it won’t be his last cup of tea.
A snowman doing sport. “Stretching is so exhausting,” he thinks.
Snowy, the snowman: “I am not perfect but I think I am ok.”
This is Freddi. He is a very lonely snowman. All his relatives are in Antarctica. So he took a flower and plucked one petal after the other: yes – no – yes – no – yes. The last petal meant “yes”. And what did that “yes” mean? Well, he packed his suitcase and went away. He walked over stony, sandy and icy roads and also through a very dense fog. It took ages till he got from Bamberg to Antarctica. These were nine months of very hard work. But finally, he arrived at his destination, Antarctica. Unfortunately, nobody was there. However, his relatives had seen him walking through the snow towards the south pole and they had decorated their igloo for him. They did some maths and found out that the day when he was supposed to arrive must be Freddi’s birthday. Finally, our completely exhausted Freddi saw a kind of cave and went inside. Suddenly all his relatives shouted: “Happy birthday, Freddi.” He was so happy to see his relatives again and he started to cry. They lived happily ever after and he did not melt away. And maybe he is playing with some penguins right now.
This snowman is called Hilfi because of his Tommy Hilfiger cap. He is not the biggest snowman but he is not the smallest one, either. He lives in our garden and whenever there is somebody nearby, he does not move at all. But if there is nobody around, he stretches his legs and walks over to his friends. He is really endangered because he can melt but he knows that somebody is going to make a new Hilfi next winter. At the moment he is thinking: “There’s a lot of snow this winter. That is phantastic. However, it is a little bit sad that there are not so many snowmen in my neighbourhood but maybe the children are going to make some today as it is really cold. That’s great because my chances of survival are higher that way.”
Hey guys, I am the little snowmouse. Although I am made of snow, I can run. I can run as fast as my best friend Speedy Gonzales. Last Monday, I met him. He taught me to run even faster because I am going to take part in a snowman race next week. That’s very cool but I have to run against a snowrabbit, which won all the races of the last few years. So I have to practise a lot. That’s why I have to go now. Adios, amigos, or Ándale arriba as Speedy Gonzales would say.
Snow-child: Mum, I want to be invisible.
Snow-mum: Don’t worry, my dear. Hardly anybody can see you as Jalen was too lazy to make a bigger snowman.
One day, Mr Beckson, a very big and fat snowman, decided to change his boring life. He wanted to become famous, more famous than any other snowman of the world. So, he went to the tourist information in the city centre because he wanted to buy a ticket for a train journey to Munich Airport. The man at the tourist information said: “Do you really want to buy a one-way ticket? It’s so nice here in the mountains and if you fly away, you will melt very fast because of the heating systems in trains and planes. So, even if you fly to some northern countries, for example to Norway or Sweden, where it is much colder than here, you will die before you arrive there. And flying isn’t good for the world’s climate, either. You know, global warming.” – “What should I do then?” the snowman asked sadly. The man at the tourist information said: “In a few days, we are going to open a new winter arena where people can go skiing or sledging or ice-skating. This arena is open for the whole year. Maybe you can become a popular tourist attraction there and all the kids will smile when they see you.” “Oh, that sounds like a perfect plan,” the snowman answered happily, “you have saved my life. I would love being a cool attraction there.”
I am dog-tired because of all those online lessons.
I am going to fight that covid-19 virus.
I have pinned all my hopes on the new vaccine.