
From 4th to 6th December some students of the eleventh grade were allowed to attend a seminar on new developments in research on the history and foreign policy of the U.S.A. at the Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing. They were accompanied by Mr. Falter and Mrs. Schmidt.

The academy is located next to the lake of Starnberg and allows every visitor to walk around in a big garden, which offers spectacular views on the mountains. The academy also offers several libraries, seminar and common rooms, which provide a stimulating learning environment.

Our group of politically interested students stayed for three days and listened to different talks in English and German. A major topic was obviously the new president of the United States Donald J. Trump. We were allowed to ask every question that was crossing our minds and the lecturers (both American diplomats and German scientists) gave (more or less) satisfying answers.

The students have also made new friends with a second group of students from Lindau who also took part in the seminar.

In conclusion, the seminar will remain in the memory of us students as a chance to work on a high academic level with inspiring lecturers and as a nice time with new people in a very pleasing environment.

Anton Lösche